
Sanan lead käännös englanti-suomi

  • johtoSen sijaan on otettava johto käsiin. Rather, it is necessary to take the lead. Lissabonin sopimuksen puolesta äänestäneillä on siis valtava johto. That is a gigantic lead for those who said yes to the Treaty of Lisbon. Se on meidän tehtävämme, ja meidän on otettava siinä johto ja edistettävä vaurautta vielä enemmän. That is our task, and we must take a lead in that and develop prosperity even more.
  • johtaaMe tiedämme, mihin se tie johtaa. We know where that road leads. Eurooppa voi johtaa tässä esimerkin avulla. Europe can lead by example here. Tämä johtaa vilpilliseen kilpailuun. This leads to unfair competition.
  • lyijy
    Sekään ei pidä paikkaansa, että lyijy on kielletty leluissa. It is not true to say that lead is banned in toys. On käsittämätöntä, miksi kadmium ja lyijy sallitaan edelleen lasten leluissa. It is inexplicable why cadmium and lead are still permitted in children's toys. Voimme havaita, että kaupunkien lyijy- ja rikkipäästöt vähenevät koko ajan. We can see that lead and sulphur emissions are gradually disappearing from our cities.
  • viedäEsitys, joka voi muutamin parannuksin viedä kaivattuun tulokseen. This proposal is one which, with some improvements, can lead to what we are calling for. Keskustelua voidaan käydä vain valtapelistä, ja se voi viedä meidät vain yhteen suuntaan. The discussion could be about political manoeuvring and could lead to rule by a board of management. Haluaisin siis viedä hänet johonkin, missä kansallishenkeä ei ole ollenkaan. Voisimme katsoa, mihin se johtaa. Well I would love to bring him to a place where there is no patriotism whatsoever, and see what it leads to.
  • aiheutuaTästä voisi aiheutua lisäongelmia, ja se voisi johtaa yritysten kassavirtaongelmiin. This could bring increased problems and lead to cash flow problems for companies. Siinä väitetään, että jäsenvaltioiden välisestä lisääntyneestä tavaroiden ja palvelujen kaupasta saattaa aiheutua ylimääräisiä vaaroja kuluttajalle. It says literally that "a more intense trade in goods and services between the Member States could lead to additional risks to the consumer" . Tästä voi aiheutua yhä enemmän ongelmia kerätyn materiaalin myynnissä erityisesti niissä maissa, jotka ovat ottaneet käyttöön kierrätysohjelmansa vasta äskettäin. This can lead to increasing problems in the sale of collected materials, especially in the countries that have introduced their own recycling programmes only at a late stage.
  • etumatkaSen sijaan Yhdysvalloilla oli selkeä etumatka puolijohteiden ja toimistolaitteiden valmistuksessa. The United States, on the other hand, has an unchallenged lead in the manufacture of semiconductors and office machinery. Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa meillä on selvä etumatka teollisen bioteknologian alalla, jossa pienet ja keskisuuret yritykset työllistävät yli 10 000 ihmistä. In the UK, we have developed a clear lead in industrial biotechnology with biotechnology SMEs employing more than 10, 000 people. Euroopan televiestintäala on juuri selvinnyt kaudesta, joka on ollut tuhoisa sijoitusten ja työllisyyden kannalta, ja GSM-alalla saavutettu etumatka on haaskattu. The European telecoms sector has just come through a disastrous period in terms of investment and employment and has frittered away its lead with the GSM provision.
  • hallitaMutta maahanmuuttoa voi hallita vain, kun me hallitsemme sitä epätoivoa, joka saa niin monen riskeeraamaan niin paljon tänne päästäkseen. But migration will be manageable only when we manage the despair that leads so many to risk so much to come here. Emme voi olla markkinajohtajia ja hallita 80 prosentin osuutta korkealuokkaisten autojen maailmankaupasta ja sitten vetää mattoa omien jalkojemme alta juuri tällä osalla markkinoita. We cannot be the lead market and possess an 80% share of global trade in premium cars and yet pull the rug from under our own feet in this very part of the market. Meidän pitäisi tehdä pian selväksi, että siirtymäprosessin on alettava välittömästi ja että Mubarakilla ei selvästikään ole oikeutta johtaa tai hallita prosessia. We should very soon make it clear that this transition process must begin immediately and that, Mr Mubarak, clearly, no longer has any legitimacy to lead or govern the process.
  • ingressi
  • johdattaaEmme voi johdattaa kansoja niiden kohtaloonsa silmät sidottuina. You cannot lead people towards their destiny blindfold. Ruotsi johdattaa meidät Euroopan yhdentymisen uuteen aikakauteen. Sweden will lead us into a new era of European integration. Se johdattaa lapsen lukemisen ja laskemisen alkeisiin. It leads him or her to the rudiments of reading and of arithmetic.
  • johdinMuistan erityisesti kerran, jolloin johdin valmistelukunnassa Euroopan puolustuspolitiikkaa käsittelevää työryhmää. In particular, I remember the time when I was leading the group on European defence policy within the Convention.
  • nasta
  • ohjataPäinvastoin, tämä on jotain, jossa Euroopan unioni voi ohjata maailmaa. On the contrary, this is something where the European Union can lead the world. Sääntöjen ei kuitenkaan tule estää kehitystä vaan ohjata ja muuttua, olla joustavia. Rules, however, must not hinder developments, but lead and alter, and be flexible. Meidän on pian tartuttava härkää sarvista ja annettava REACH-lainsäädännön ohjata etenemistä tarkoituksensa mukaisesti. At some point soon, we will have to grasp the nettle and let the REACH regime lead, as it was intended to.
  • opastaaHe ovat alkaneet epäillä, voivatko nämä johtajat saattaa kyseiset valtiot demokraattisiksi ja opastaa niitä Natoon ja Euroopan unioniin. They are beginning to doubt whether they can democratise those states and lead them into NATO and the European Union. Opastan sinut kadun yli
  • viejäVaikka laskuista jätetään pois 25 jäsenvaltion välinen kauppa, olemme maailman suurin viejä. Even excluding trade between the 25 Member States, we are the world's leading exporter. Euroopan unioni on yhä johtava viejä maailmassa, kärkimaina Saksa, Ranska ja Italia. The Union remains the leading export power in the world, led by Germany, France and Italy. Viime vuonna Kiinasta tuli maailman johtava tuuliturbiinilaitteiden ja aurinkokennojen viejä. Last year, China became the world's leading exporter of wind turbine equipment and photovoltaic cells.

Sanan lead määritelmät

  • A heavy, pliable, inelastic metal element, having a bright, bluish color, but easily tarnished; both malleable and ductile, though with little tenacity. It is easily fusible, forms alloys with other metals, and is an ingredient of solder and type metal. Atomic number 82, symbol Pb (from Latin ''plumbum''
  • A thin strip of type metal, used to separate lines of type in printing
  • Sheets or plates of lead used as a covering for roofs
  • A thin cylinder of black lead or plumbago used in pencils
  • To cover, fill, or affect with lead
  • To place leads between the lines of
  • ''To guide#Verb|guide or conduct#Verb|conduct.''
  • To guide or conduct, as by accompanying, going before, showing, influencing, directing with authority, etc.; to have precedence or preeminence; to be first or chief; — used in most of the senses of the transitive verb
  • To draw or direct by influence, whether good or bad; to prevail on; to induce; to entice; to allure
  • To tend or reach in a certain direction, or to a certain place
  • To produce (with ''to''
  • The act of leading or conducting; guidance; direction, course
  • Precedence; advance position; also, the measure of precedence; the state of being ahead in a race; the highest score in a game in an incomplete game
  • An insulated metallic wire for electrical devices and equipment
  • The act or right of playing first in a game or round; the card suit, or piece, so played
  • The main role in a play or film; the lead role
  • The actor who plays the main role; lead actor
  • A lode
  • A rope, leather strap, or similar device with which to lead an animal; a leash
  • Charging lead.
  • The action of a tooth, such as a tooth of a wheel, in impelling another tooth or a pallet
  • Information obtained by a detective or police officer that allows him or her to discover further details about a crime or incident
  • Potential opportunity for a sale or transaction, a potential customer
  • Information obtained by a news reporter about an issue or subject that allows him or her to discover more details
  • A teaser; a lead-in; the start of a newspaper column, telling who, what, when, where, why and how. (Sometimes spelled as lede for this usage to avoid ambiguity
  • The axial distance a screw thread travels in one revolution. It is equal to the pitch times the number of starts
  • The announcement by one voice part of a theme to be repeated by the other parts
  • The excess above a right angle in the angle between two consecutive cranks, as of a compound engine, on the same shaft
  • The advance of the current phase in an alternating circuit beyond that of the electromotive force producing it
  • Foremost
  • main, principal


  • This copy has too much lead; I prefer less space between the lines
  • They pumped him full of lead
  • continuous firing leads the grooves of a rifle
  • to lead a page
  • leaded matter
  • a father leads a child; a jockey leads a horse with a halter; a dog leads a blind man
  • The guide was able to lead the tourists through the jungle safely
  • A good teacher should lead their students to the right answer
  • to lead a political party
  • to lead the search team
  • The evidence leads me to believe he is guilty
  • the big sloop led the fleet of yachts; the Guards led the attack; Demosthenes leads the orators of all ages
  • to lead trumps
  • He led the ace of spades
  • The batter always leads off base
  • to lead someone to a righteous cause
  • the path leads to the mill; gambling leads to other vices
  • The shock led to a change in his behaviour
  • to take the lead
  • to be under the lead of another
  • the white horse had the lead
  • to be in the lead
  • She lost the lead
  • Smith managed to extend her lead over the second place to half a second
  • The runner took his lead from first
  • your partner has the lead
  • The investigation stalled when all leads turned out to be dead ends
  • The police have a couple of leads they will follow to solve the case
  • Joe is a great addition to our sales team, he has numerous leads in the paper industry
  • The contestants are all tied; no one has the lead position
  • the lead guitarist
  • lead trumpet

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