Sanan heijastus käännös suomi-englanti
- projectionThe face of the cliff had many projections that were big enough for birds to nest on.
- reflectionIt is a reflection of the tension in the markets, especially in the face of a currency war between the Americans and the Chinese. Se on heijastus markkinoiden jännitteistä ja etenkin Yhdysvaltojen ja Kiinan välisestä valuuttasodasta. The dog barked at his own reflection in the mirrorAfter careful reflection, I have decided not to vote for that proposition
- reverberationThe discomfort caused by the bats reverberation surprised Tommy.The reverberation that followed Marilyns shout filled the cavern.Like the several reverberations of the same image from two opposite looking glasses.
- speciesthe male speciesa new species of warThis species of animal is unique to the area
Sanan heijastus määritelmät
- kuva, joka syntyy kun jostakin heijastuu valoa