
Sanan hermostunut käännös suomi-englanti

  • nervous
    Madam President, I know that you are nervous. Arvoisa puhemies, tiedän, että olette hermostunut. For that reason, the government is getting nervous and is trying to blame its political opponents. Tästä syystä hallitus on hermostunut ja yrittää syyttää poliittisia vastustajiaan. He is very careful; he is a bit nervous; he does not know what to do, so he says, 'We must not do anything about this. Tämä virkamies on hyvin varovainen, hieman hermostunut, eikä tiedä, mitä tehdä, joten hän kirjoittaa, ettei asialle pidä tehdä mitään.
  • anxious
    She was anxious to hear how her test results wereI could tell she was anxious as she was biting her nailsanxious labor
  • tense
    English only has a present tense and a past tense; it has no future tense.Dyirbal verbs are not inflected for tense.tensing a verb
  • distracted
  • edgyan edgy temper
  • fidgety
  • jumpy
  • overwrought
  • tremulous
  • uptightDont be so uptight! You wont go to jail for crossing the street against the light.He came from a very uptight religious background, but you wouldnt know that now!

Sanan hermostunut määritelmät

  • jännittynyt, levoton, huolestunut

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