Sanan ihmeellinen käännös suomi-englanti
- fantasticHe told fantastic stories of dragons and goblinsHis fantastic post-college plans had all collapsed within a year of graduationShe had a fantastic view of her own importance that none of her colleagues shared
- miraculousThis means that our revival was not as isolated and miraculous as it is usually said to have been, but was fully part of the Europe-wide trend.' Tämä tarkoittaa, ettei uusi kukoistuksemme ollut mikään yksittäinen ja ihmeellinen asia, joksi sitä usein kuvaillaan, vaan osa Euroopan laajuista suuntausta."
- amazing
- fabulous
- incredibleHe was so wrapped up in watching the incredible special effects that he couldnt keep track of the storyI had such an incredible slice of pizza last night that I simply cant think about anything else
- marvelousI went to a marvelous party last week.
- strangeIt was very strange to experience. Tämä oli erittäin ihmeellinen kokemus. No, instead it is by some kind of strange chance that we grow maize; it should not really have existed, but even nature is very strange sometimes. Maissin viljely on jonkin kummallisen sattuman seurausta; maissia ei oikeastaan olisi olemassa mutta luontokin on joskus aika ihmeellinen. He thought it strange that his girlfriend wore shorts in the winter.
- wonderfulIn Malta, Ireland is being used as an example of how you can be a Member of the European Union and a wonderful economic success and still remain neutral. Maltassa Irlantia pidetään esimerkkinä siitä, miten voi olla Euroopan unionin jäsen ja ihmeellinen talousmenestys ja pysyä silti puolueettomana. They served a wonderful six-course meal.
- wonderfullyHe entertained us wonderfully.His costume was wonderfully intricate.
- wondrousWhile the Internet is a wondrous tool of huge potential benefit to mankind, it also has its darker side. Vaikka Internet on ihmeellinen väline, josta voi olla valtavasti hyötyä ihmiskunnalle, sillä on myös pimeämpi puolensa. We all stared open-mouthed at the wondrous sight
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