Sanan jyvä käännös suomi-englanti
- grainWe stored a thousand tons of grain for the wintera grain of wheatgrains of oat
- beadbeads of sweatShe drew a bead on the target and firedWe now have a bead on the main technical issues for the project
- caryopsis
- cornHe paid her the nominal fee of two corns of corn gunpowderCorn the horses
- beanGreen beans, also called French beans, can be pickled and made into pickled beans.I havent got a beanThe pitcher beaned the batter, rather than letting him hit another home run
- granule
- kernelthe kernel of an argumentThe Linux kernel is open-sourceThe Dirichlet kernel convolved with a function yields its Fourier series approximation
- patchHis sleeves had patches on the elbows where different fabric had been sewn on to replace material that had worn away.I cant afford to replace the roof, which is what it really needs. Ill have the roofer apply a patch.Before you can fix a dam, you have to apply a patch to the hole so that everything can dry off.or that it is temporary because it is not meant to last long or will be removed as soon as a proper repair can be made, which will happen in the near future
- Viljanjyviä käytetään ravinnoksi.