
Sanan lava käännös suomi-englanti

  • bed
    My cat often sleeps on my bed.I keep a glass of water next to my bed when I sleepWhen camping, he usually makes a bed for the night from hay and a blanketGo to bed! I had breakfast in bed this morning
  • bed/translations
  • pallet
  • platform
    This new talk show will give a platform to everyday men and womenThat program runs on the X Window System platform
  • runway
  • skidJust before hitting the guardrail the driver was able to regain control and pull out of the skid.In the hours before daylight he sharpened the skids and tightened the lashings to prepare for the long dogsled journey.Due to frequent arctic travel, the plane was equipped with long skids for snow and ice landings.
  • stage
    Commissioner Mandelson, you said that we were to create a stage. Arvoisa komission jäsen Mandelson, totesitte, että meidän olisi rakennettava lava. He is in the recovery stage of his illnessCompletion of an identifiable stage of maintenance such as removing an aircraft engine for repair or storage
  • stand
    Here I stand, wondering what to do nextStand up, walk to the refrigerator, and get your own snackDo not leave your car standing in the road

Sanan lava määritelmät


  • Nosta nuo laatikot lavalle niin lähdetään.
  • Siemenet kylvettiin lavaan ja jäätiin odottamaan itämistä.
  • Kesäisin käymme usein lavalla tanssimassa.

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