
Sanan valtuutus käännös suomi-englanti

  • authorizationFor this reason a specific authorization should be introduced, allowing the advertisement of regional origins within the framework of the proposed programmes. Siksi on saatava selkeä valtuutus sille, että tukiohjelmissa kannatetaan myös alueellista alkuperää. Ive got authorization. Call the office and youll see.Can I see your authorization?
  • clearanceThe plane got clearance from air traffic control, and we were off.He got clearance to travel to America, even though he had previous links to terrorists
  • commission
    I recognise that the Commission must be both effective and legitimate. Myönnän, että komission on oltava tehokas ja että sillä on oltava valtuutus tehtäväänsä. These issues need to be clarified before the Commission is given a new mandate. Nämä seikat on selvitettävä, ennen kuin komissiolle annetaan uusi valtuutus. However, the Commission is ready to proceed further if there should at any stage be a clear mandate from the Council. Komissio on kuitenkin valmis viemään asiaa eteenpäin, jos neuvostolta jossain vaiheessa saadaan selkeä valtuutus.
  • empowerment
  • franchiseMcDonalds has exported its franchise.The Whalers home city of Hartford was one of many for the franchise.the Star Wars franchise
  • mandate
    The IGC mandate speaks for itself. HVK:n valtuutus puhuu puolestaan. I think the mandate is ambitious but realistic. Mielestäni valtuutus on kunnianhimoinen mutta realistinen. The mandate does not offer a solution here either. Valtuutus ei tuo tähänkään ratkaisua.
  • power of attorneyHe confirmed that he had power of attorney.Here you can apply for a power of attorney.
  • proxy
    a proxy indicatora proxy measurement
  • warrant
    a warrant of authenticity; a warrant for successan arrest warrant issued by the courtThat tree is going to fall, I’ll warrant
  • warrantyI took out an extended warranty on my television for five years at a cost of $100.I made sure to check the terms of my warranty for my computer to ensure I was covered in case it broke down.Its always a good idea to get a good warranty on anything you buy that you think may break down.

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