Sanan varastoida käännös suomi-englanti
- storeGas cannot be stored in the same way as oil. Kaasua ei voi varastoida samalla tavalla kuin öljyä. How should the meal be stored, burned and replaced? Kuinka luujauhot voitaisiin varastoida, polttaa tai korvata? The demand for electricity - a commodity that cannot be stored - peaks. Sähkön - hyödykkeen, jota ei voi varastoida - kysyntä nousee huippuunsa.
- stockpileWe cannot prepare a vaccine in advance or stockpile it. Rokotetta ei voida valmistaa etukäteen tai varastoida. Therefore, I am formally asking the Commission to take urgent action to allow our rice producers to continue with the 1998 harvest and to allow our cooperatives to stockpile our production. Pyydän siis täällä julkisesti komissiota toteuttamaan kiireisiä toimia, jotta riisinviljelijämme voisivat korjata satonsa ja osuuskuntamme varastoida tuotantonsa.
- bestowMedals were bestowed on the winning team.
- cacheMembers of the 29-man Discovery team laid down food caches to allow the polar team to travel light, hopping from food cache to food cache on their return journey.
- reserveThe book is on reserveI accept your view with one reserveNew oil reserves are continuously being discovered, but not as fast as the existing ones are running out
Sanan varastoida määritelmät
- laittaa varastoon, pitää varastossa