
Sanan ilmiantaa käännös suomi-englanti

  • snitch
  • blow the whistleIn some jurisdictions, it is illegal to fire a person for blowing the whistle on an employer.
  • confess
    I confess to spray-painting all over that mural!I confess, that I am a sinner.
  • denounce
    Those victims who have the courage to denounce their traffickers deserve particular protection, because they often live in constant fear of reprisals. Uhrit, jotka uskaltavat ilmiantaa ihmiskauppiaat, tarvitsevat erityissuojaa, sillä he elävät usein alinomaisessa kostotoimien pelossa. to denounce someone as a swindler, or as a cowardto denounce a confederate in crime
  • rat outDont you dare rat me out or Ill kill you!
  • shop
    a barber shopThis is where I do my weekly shop.I went shopping early before the Christmas rush.
  • sneakMy little brother is such a sneak; yesterday I caught him trying to look through my diaryI cant believe I gave that sneak $50 for a ticket when they were selling for $20 at the front gateHe decided to sneak into the kitchen for a second cookie while his mom was on the phone
  • turn inHe turned in his paperwork to the main office.The actors turned in a formulaic performance.The thief finally turned himself in at the police station.

Sanan ilmiantaa määritelmät

  • ilmoittaa viranomaiselle tai vastaavalle vastuulliselle taholle väärintekijä


  • Rikolliset tulee ilmiantaa poliisille.

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