Sanan palautua käännös suomi-englanti
- revertWeve found that git reverts are at least an order of magnitude faster than SVN reverse merges.If they attack, we will revert to the bunkerWhen a book goes out of print, rights revert from the publisher to the author
- defrostI have just defrosted the fridge.Will you defrost the chops for supper tonight?See you tomorrow evening; Ill have defrosted from my trip by then.
- normalizeThere is little hope that the two countries will normalize relations; their governments seem to hate each other and would just as soon stay on bad terms.Well need to normalize these statements before we can compare them.After we properly normalize the measurements with respect to age, gender, geography and economic considerations, there remains little evidence of a difference between the two groups.
- recoverWe need to acknowledge the resilience of natural systems and their ability subsequently to recover once a plateau of economic stability has been reached. Meidän täytyy tunnustaa luonnon järjestelmien joustavuus ja niiden kyky palautua aina, kun jokin taloudellisen vakauden taso on saavutettu. The ICES estimates seem to be needlessly alarmist in nature, especially as far as hake is concerned, the population of which, it seems, has begun to recover. Kansainvälisen merentutkimusneuvoston (ICES) arvioinnit vaikuttavat liioitellun hätääntyneiltä etenkin kummeliturskan osalta, jonka esiintymät ovat alkaneet ilmeisesti palautua ennalleen. After days of inquiries, he finally recovered his lost wallet
- resileI once described this rather vulgarly as a Euro-wanking make-work project and I do not resile from that.
- resortto have resort to violence