
Sanan draw käännös englanti-ruotsi

  • dra
    Vi måste dra alla de slutsatser som kan dras av denna.We must draw every consequence there is to draw from it. Du kan dra dina egna slutsatser.You can draw your own conclusions. Vilka slutsatser måste vi dra?What conclusion do we need to draw?
  • rita
    För att svara på det måste man rita ett diagram som visar hur koldioxid kanske orsakar uppvärmning.You need to draw a graph showing how CO2 perhaps causes warming. Att amerikanisera världen och rita om den geopolitiska kartan i Mellanöstern - är inte det de verkliga målen?The Americanisation of the world, and the re-drawing of the geopolitical map of the Middle East - are not these the real objectives? Men vad vi tvärt om är i färd med att göra är att låta regeringarna fortsätta leka med varandra och fortsätta rita gemenskapslagstiftande kameler.Otherwise we would simply be allowing the governments to continue playing amongst themselves and drawing Community legislative camels.
  • remiett
  • teckna
    Dit hör också att Financial Control inom kommissionen börjat att teckna avtal med de individuella medlemsländerna.It is worth mentioning here that the Commission's Financial Control has started to draw up agreements with individual Member States. Hon tecknar en försäkring.
  • attraheraEn elektron attraheras av atomkärnan eftersom de har olika elektrisk laddning
  • attraktionenEn kemisk bindning är en attraktion mellan atomer, som möjliggör bildandet av kemiska substanser.Nekrofili är en sexuell avvikelse som yttrar sig i sexuell attraktion till döda kroppar.Öns största attraktion är dess stränder.
  • dra för
  • dragningenMånen orsakar inte själva vågorna, utan endast vattenmassans dragning mot månen.Miranda vägrar först, men de blir ett par efter hon har känt en stark dragning till Steve.Det enda han inte kunde dölja var sin dragning till alkohol och litteratur.
  • dragplåster
  • hämta
    Från den kan vi hämta styrka att möta dagens utmaningar.From it we can draw strength to meet the current challenges. Jag skulle vilja uppmana kommissionen att hämta inspiration från detta beslut.I would like to urge the Commission to draw inspiration from this decision. Den näring som eventuellt behövs kan bara hämtas ur nationernas stöd.It can only draw its strength, if necessary, from the support of the nations.
  • härledaMyndigheten skall årligen utarbeta en rapport om utvecklingen och effekterna av politiken i fråga och vad som därav kan härledas.This monitoring centre should draw up an annual report on developments in these policies and on their impact and interaction. Kan du härleda derivatan för cosinus?
  • lita påJag skulle också vilja veta när vi kommer att kunna lita på att alltid få ut våra pensioner?I would also like to ask when we will have the security of always being able to draw our pensions? Jag litar på dig.Litar du verkligen honom?
  • lotteriett
  • oavgjortHar matchen slutat oavgjort, som det påstods i en tidningsartikel?Has the game ended in a draw, as I saw one newspaper article assert? Det slutade inte oavgjort utan med en kompromiss, där miljöintressena definitivt har vunnit.We have ended up not with a draw but with a compromise, in which it is clearly the green interests that have won.
  • ösaProblemet är bara att den inte ens har hinkar att ösa vatten med.The only problem is that it does not even possess buckets with which to draw water. Ett stort antal fiskare i medlemsstaterna har letts att regelmässigt fiska i samma vatten och att ösa ur samma bestånd.Many fishermen in the Member States are regularly forced to fish in the same waters, drawing from the same resources. Alla hoppades vi på att detta land i södra Afrika skulle vara ett ekonomiskt löfte som vi med en förlorad kontinent i åtanke åter skulle kunna ösa ur.We had all hoped this southern African country could hold the promise of economic growth, from which we could draw some hope again for this supposedly lost continent.
  • parallellVi kan dra paralleller till de flesta nationella parlament.We can draw parallels with most national parliaments. Låt mig, för att förtydliga detta, dra en parallell till musikvärlden.To make this clearer, let me draw a parallel with the music world. Jag hoppas att ni inte misstycker om en bayrare som jag drar en parallell.I hope you will not mind if a Bavarian like myself draws a parallel.
  • patten
  • publikmagnet

Sanan draw määritelmät

  • To move or develop something.
  • To exert or experience force.
  • ''To remove or separate or displace.''
  • To change in size or shape.
  • To attract or be attracted.
  • To rely on; utilize as a source
  • To disembowel
  • To end a game in a #Noun|draw (with neither side winning
  • To choose by means of a random selection process.
  • To make a shot that lands gently in the house without knocking out other stones
  • To hit with the toe of the club so that it is deflected toward the left
  • The result of a contest that neither side has won; a tie
  • The procedure by which the result of a lottery is determined
  • Something that attracts e.g. a crowd
  • The result of a two-innings match in which at least one side did not complete all their innings before time ran out (as distinguished from a tie
  • A shot that is intended to land gently in the house without knocking out other stones; cf. ''takeout''
  • A bag of cannabis
  • Cannabis
  • In a commission-based job, an advance on future commissions given to an employee by the employer
  • The act of pulling back the strings in preparation of firing


  • He tried to draw a conclusion from the facts
  • Tea is much nicer if you let it draw for more than two minutes before pouring
  • to draw money from a bank
  • We drew back from the cliff edge
  • The runners drew level with each other as they approached the finish line
  • Draw near to the fire and I will tell you a tale
  • to draw a memorial, a deed, or bill of exchange
  • This horse draws well
  • A ships sail is said to draw when it is filled with wind
  • They drew their swords and fought each other
  • The carriage draws easily
  • You should draw the curtains at night
  • She drew the curtains to let in the sunlight
  • At the start of their turn, each player must draw a card
  • draw water from a well; draw water for a bath; the wound drew blood
  • A ship draws ten feet of water
  • The chimney wont draw properly if its clogged up with soot
  • The circuit draws three hundred watts
  • to draw a mass of metal into wire
  • The citizens were afraid the casino would draw an undesirable element to their town. I was drawn to her
  • He refused to be drawn on the subject
  • She had to draw upon her experience to solve the problem
  • We drew last time we played. I drew him last time I played him. I drew my last game against him
  • The winning lottery numbers were drawn every Tuesday
  • He drew a prize
  • Jill has four diamonds; shell try to draw for a flush
  • The game ended in a draw.
  • The draw is on Saturday.

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