Sanan access käännös englanti-viro
- pääsNeile, kes õigustatult kaitset vajavad, tuleb võimaldada pääs ELi territooriumile. Those who are legitimately in need of protection must be granted access to EU territory. Esiteks ütlesime me, et Rahvusvahelisel Punasel Ristil peab olema vaba pääs Türkmenistani. Firstly, we said that the International Red Cross had to have free access to Turkmenistan. Pääs tööturule: tegeleda tuleb suure lõhega romade ja mitteromade tööhõivetasemes. Access to employment: the big gap between Roma and non-Roma employment rates has to be addressed.
- an access of territory
- I cant access most of the data on the computer without a password.